Константинова О.М. Збірник завдань для підготовки до ДПА 2018 з англійської мови. 9 клас + Відповіді

Константинова О.М. Збірник завдань для підготовки до ДПА 2018 з англійської мови. 9 клас + Відповіді

Константинова О.М. Збірник завдань для підготовки до державної підсумкової атестації з англійської мови. 9 клас : навч. посіб. для загапьноосвіт. навч. закл. / О. М. Константинова, Л. Л. Володіна. — К., 2017. — 96 с.
Збірник завдань містить 44 тести (22 тести — рівень А2+, 22 тести — рівень В1). До складу кожного тесту входять: текст для читання з одним післятекстовим завданням; текст із пропущеними словами на використання мови та завдання для написання письмового повідомлення.

Зразок сторінки

Task 1
Read the text. Choose one of the variants A, B, C or D.
Americans are not big gift-givers. They have learned something of the role that gift-giv-ing plays in certain other cultures, but among themselves they don’t see the need for presents.
Even friends may never exchange presents. When they go abroad, they try to bring back little souvenirs for close friends, but nobody would feel upset if I didn’t. I rarely remember a friend’s birthday, and few people outside of my family remember mine. If someone gave me presents too often, I’d get annoyed. However, a gift from a foreigner — typical of his or her homeland — won’t go wrong, except to government employees who aren’t allowed to accept gifts.
You usually open a present immediately and in front of the person who gives it. The only exceptions to this are Christmas, birthday and wedding presents. The best reaction is delight at receiving something so lovely/thoughtful.
Christmas is the one occasion when they give gifts to the family and sometimes friends. They also give gifts to people who have been helpful during the year — doormen, babysitters, hou8ecleaner8, and newspaper deliverers — anyone who has served them regularly.
1. When you travel abroad,…
A you a ren ‘t expected to bring anything back. B you shouldn’t bring back souvenirs.
C you are expected to bring back souvenirs for close friends. D people would be annoyed if you gave them a souvenir.
2. A gift from a foreigner which is typical of his or her homeland, would…
A be unwelcome. C cause embarassment.
B be received with pleasure. D annoy the receiver.
3. At Christmas, it is customary to give presents to…
A business colleagues. B members of the family only. C people who have served you during the year. D close friends and family only.
4. In the writer’s opinion, gift-giving in the US is…
A not an important social custom. C only traditional within the family.
B culturally unacceptable. D only acceptable at Christmas.
5. «…I try to bring back little souvenirs for close friends.» Is a close friend someone …
A you have only just met? C you haven’t seen for a long time?
B you know very well? D of your own sex?

Відповіді до збірника

Константинова О.М. Збірник завдань для підготовки до ДПА 2018 з англійської мови. 9 клас + Відповіді

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