Калініна Л.В. Англійська мова : підруч. для 5-го кл. спеціаліз. шк. з поглибл. вивч. англ. мови / Л.B. Калініна, І.В. Самойлюкевич. — К. : Генеза, 2013. — 256 с.: іл.
Любий друже!…………………………….З
Summer Was Fun!………………………….4
School is Fun, too!………………………….8
Unit One: We are a family
1.1. What makes a family?……………………13
1.2. What do we look like?……………………21
1.3. What are we like?………………………28
1.4. What do we like?………………………34
1.5. My progress in English…………………..40
Unit Two: Day in day out
2.1. Morning schedule………………………43
2.2. Afternoon schedule……………………..51
2.3. Evening schedule……………………….59
2.4. Weekend plans………………………..66
2.5. My progress in English…………………..73
Unit Three: Eat with Pleasure!
3.1. Meals at Home………………………..76
3.2. Eating out…………………………..83
3.3. Setting a festive table……………………89
3.4. Tastes differ………………………….96
3.5. My progress in English………………….104
Unit Four: You are in Ukraine
4.1. Far and wide………………………..107
4.2. Celebrating seasons…………………….116
4.3. Do you live in …?……………………..124
4.4. Neighbourhood……………………….132
4.5. My progress in English………………….141
Unit Five: School Life
5.1. My school timetable…………………….144
5.2. My favourite subject……………………151
5.3. At the English lesson……………………157
5.4. In the computer room…………………..163
5.5. My progress in English………………….168